Privacy policy

About 6 min reading time

Work in progress

Hi, this is my site

In accordance with articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) I want to provide you with simple and clear information on how I process your personal data which you provide to me directly or which I may in any case come into possession of while browsing the site.

Content index:

Data controller

I am the Data Controller:

Daniele Tabellini, Italy, CF/TIN TBLDNL75D22E625T, PI/VAT 02383240500
Via XXI Aprile 41 - 56040, Crespina Lorenzana (PI) - Italy

You can contact me at

On this website I present a summary of my work as an artist and designer, also for the purpose of documenting my activities as a freelancer.

On this website I publish without regularity information relating to the projects in which I have been or am involved (only if the information is freely disclosed, already publicly available or I have obtained explicit consent to publish it e.g. from a clause in a professional service contract); links to useful resources for learning more about topics of interest; links to my social media profiles (LinkedIN, X, GitHub and Mastodon); in-depth articles for dissemination purposes.

When creating the site’s software I tried to implement a “by design” approach to privacy: trying not to collect any type of personal data, also choosing (or writing) where possible software solutions that respect privacy “by default”; to minimize the data collected as much as possible if this is not possible, for example for technical data collected by hosting servers; to use open source software solutions that guaranteed transparency and the possibility of verifying the algorithms.

Personally I don’t like the so-called “Cookie banners” or the consents collected once and recorded “For all similar contents” by third-party platforms, therefore where I integrate or will integrate in-depth video content (e.g. interviews, tutorials, recordings from participation in events ) from the third-party platform YouTube, I will ask you the explicit consent for each individual video (following the paragraph “Video from YouTube”), otherwise avoiding you any contact with YouTube cookies or technical software.

Type of data processed and retention period

Browsing data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some of your personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computer and terminals you are using, the addresses in URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in the submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and your’s IT environment. Such data, necessary for the use of web services, are also processed for the purpose of checking the correct functioning of the site and the services offered and in order to guarantee the safety of navigation.

The navigation data are stored for the time strictly necessary to provide the requested services and to carry out the related technical and security operations, without prejudice to the need to store them further for any need to ascertain crimes by the judicial authority.

Data communicated by the user with messages

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages to my email addresses by you, as well as private messages sent to my profiles on social media, involve the acquisition of the your’s contact data, necessary to respond, as well as other personal data included in communications. I will process such data exclusively for the purpose of - and for the period strictly necessary to - manage interactions with who have contacted me.

Who will be able to know your personal data

The personal data collected may be communicated to subjects to whom the communication is deemed necessary for the pursuit of the purposes specified above, including third parties who provide me with a service, for example for the provision of technological services of the site, and who will process said personal data as data controllers pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 28 of the GDPR.

The list of data controllers can be requested at any time, contact me at the addresses indicated above in the Data controller section.

Data transfer

The data may be transferred outside the national territory to countries located in the European Union. For the provision of some technological services, I may make use of subjects located outside the European Union. Any transfer of data to countries located outside the European Union will take place, in any case, as far as it is possible for me to verify, in compliance with the appropriate and appropriate guarantees for the purposes of the transfer itself, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

What are your rights

  • Right to access data: you can obtain confirmation and information on processing.
  • Right of rectification: you can rectify inaccurate data or integrate it.
  • Right of cancellation: in cases of law, you can ask for it to be forgotten.
  • Right to limit processing: in cases of law, you can ask to limit processing.
  • Right to object to processing: for particular reasons you can object to processing for the execution of a task of public interest or connected to the exercise of public powers.

For more information or to exercise your rights, contact me at the addresses indicated above in the [Data controller] section (#data controller). If, however, you believe that the processing of personal data relating to you is in violation of the provisions of the GDPR, you also have the right to lodge a complaint, pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR, to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.


This section provides detailed information on the use of cookies, how they are used by the site and how to manage them, in implementation of the art. 122 of the legislative decree 30 June 2003, n. 196, as well as in compliance with the “Guidelines for cookies and other tracking tools” issued by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data with provision of 10 June 2021.

This site uses technical cookies only where necessary for its operation and to improve the user experience of its visitors.

Video from YouTube

To access the video contents hosted directly on the site, before viewing them you will be asked to approve YouTube’s third-party profiling cookies ( which also activate the other technical identifiers used by YouTube to allow you to stream video from the site.

These cookies will be stored on the browser only after having acquired your consent, which will always be limited to a single video.

How to disable cookies (opt-out) on your device

Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can refuse them. If you do not wish to receive or store cookies, you can change the security settings of the browser you are using, according to the instructions made available by the relevant suppliers at the links indicated below. If you disable all cookies the site should work properly, if not please send me a message.



The icons I use to mark the main sections of this privacy policy are part of the complete set created by Maastricht European Center on Privacy and Cybersecurity – ECPC (distributed under CC BY 4.0 License) for the project Informative chiare (italian language) of the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali). The only exception is the “Cookies” icon which I created in style.

On the accessibility side, all the icons on this page are made invisible to screen readers using the aria-hidden="true" attribute because they represent the concept expressed by the same heading that precedes them.

License and source

I wrote the text of this privacy policy taking inspiration from that of the website (distributed with CC BY-SA 4.0 License), which it therefore inherits.

This website is my personal site, and is absolutely not part of the Designers Italia project. I, Daniele Tabellini, am solely responsible for the contents of this policy for the website should it contain any inaccuracies or inconsistencies. I am obviously not responsible for anyone who might be inspired by this to write others for other websites.

In any case, before getting angry, contact me at the addresses indicated above in the The data controller section, I am always available to correct, amend and integrate: the web has a “human” future only with open projects approached with a view to continuous improvement, there are no finished or perfect websites to be certified, there are websites that we can take care of and improve to create or cultivate relationships and human qualities.

Finally, the source of this website is available on GitHub under an open license. If you want to help me improve it, messages and reports on privacy and accessibility are welcome, use the links below.